About 10 percent of the adult population is suffering from neck issues. The cause may vary, as well as the treatments, but it's common for the pain to stop you in your tracks. Neck pain can interfere with your normal everyday activities, causing you to slow down and take it easy. If you are looking for answers regarding your neck pain, take a look at our frequently asked questions. For more information or to schedule an appointment with our neck pain chiropractor, serving the
Hope Mills, or
Fort Liberty, NC areas, give us a
call today.
The structures of the spine can be damaged or inflamed leading to neck pain. This can be caused due to a variety of factors including:
Occupation- The job you hold could affect your neck especially if you have a sedentary occupation, such as working at a desk. If you have a job with repeated motions, your neck may also be at risk of being overworked.
Age- Age is another factor with normal wear and tear especially with conditions such as arthritis.
Injuries- Neck pain could be the result of a recent slip and fall, an auto accident, or a sports injury.
Posture- Poor posture results in neck pain as well as sleeping in a different position and completing activities such as weight lifting.
Other - Pinched nerves are a common cause of neck pain as well as damage to the spinal discs.
Neck pain typically begins with pain in the cervical spine. This may be accompanied by discomfort and stiffness. However, symptoms may vary depending on the cause of the pain and may include tingling, numbness, aching, stiffness, restricted range of motion, loss of sleep, and more.
After a physical examination and a medical image testing, like an X-ray or MRI, your doctor can get a good view of your spinal alignment and check on your vertebrae and discs to form a diagnosis.
No, most cases of neck pain can be resolved or managed through chiropractic adjustments.
When you visit our neck pain chiropractor, the doctor will administer spinal manipulations and gently force vertebrae and joints back into their natural alignment. Once the structures are in their proper position, stress on the joints and compressions on the nerves is alleviated which relieves muscle strain and restores the mobility in your neck.
Your neck pain chiropractor will give you instructions on exercises and lifestyle adjustments to help you steer clear of neck pain problems. Periodic appointments can help you keep your neck alignment in good shape.
When you get a chiropractic adjustment, your vertebrae are being moved slightly. Your muscles must adapt to the shift, which could cause soreness.
A variety of things can cause neck pain. Have you been sitting in an abnormal position at your work desk? Did you fall asleep on the couch? Uneven and unequal weight distribution, especially for an extended period of time, can produce chronic strain and create pain. Do you potentially have a degenerative condition that may be to blame? Issues in your back can pinch nearby nerves and cause pain.
This term describes the neck pain that occurs when the head is constantly drooped forward, creating a strain on the muscles and spine. "Text neck" affects people who heavily use their mobile or other handheld devices.
Patients throughout the Fort Bragg, Hope Mills, and Fayetteville, NC areas rely on Walker Family Chiropractic for compassionate and thorough service to relieve their neck pain. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!
Mon- Thurs 7:45AM -1:00 PM/3:00 PM-5:30 PM
Fri: 7:45 AM - 10:00 AM
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