Plantar fasciitis, also known as “policeman’s heel,” is painful inflammation of tissue in the bottom of your foot. The particular tissue impacted runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your toes to your heel bone. When this tissue is inflamed, it causes pain to run across your foot from your heel to your toes.
You may not think that a chiropractor can provide the treatment you need for plantar fasciitis, but you would be incorrect. Dr. Richard Walker utilizes the Active Release Technique (ART) to target tissues that are causing pain. That includes the tissues in your feet. Dr. Walker can provide ART treatment to put precise pressure on the tissues at the bottom of your feet. This pressure will feel like a massage, and it will effectively break apart scar tissue in your foot and relieve the pressure inflammation puts on the muscles and nerves of your feet.
ART has proven to be a highly successful treatment for plantar fasciitis. If you’re looking for help for your foot pain and don’t know where to turn, Walker Family Chiropractic can help you. Our ART treatment can target plantar fasciitis and end your foot pain. We see patients from
Fort Liberty,
Hope Mills,
Raeford NC & all surrounding areas.
Call us today to find out more.
Mon- Thurs 7:45AM -1:00 PM/3:00 PM-5:30 PM
Fri: 7:45 AM - 10:00 AM
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